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Corporate Forum


The Coalition for Integrity believes in working with corporate leaders who dedicate their professional careers to ensuring their company’s compliance with anti-corruption laws and standards. The Corporate Forum is designed to provide the Coalition’s corporate supporters at the “Corporate Forum” level with an opportunity to have an exchange on emerging global issues and benchmark programs and practices with peers. At the Forum, senior compliance counsel and ethics officers are updated on notable new cases and developments, listen to briefings by agency officials, engage in in-depth exchanges on approaches to complex compliance challenges, exchange practical advice and recommendations, and receive updates on anti-corruption initiatives of importance to the private sector.

In the past year, the Coalition for Integrity’s Corporate Forums have:

  • Invited a panel of senior corporate compliance officers to present their approaches on due diligence and management of third parties.
  • Invited a panel of senior corporate compliance officers and legal and accounting experts to present best practices in conducting internal investigations.
  • Brought together corporate leaders and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of Commerce Lynn Fischer Fox to discuss anti-corruption provisions in trade agreements and the International Trade Administration’s efforts to help U.S. businesses understand the requirements under the law and address challenges when exporting overseas.
  • Featured Mr. James M. Koukios, Assistant Chief of the Fraud Section, Criminal Division, of the Department of Justice who spoke about the Department of Justice’s enforcement strategies and approach.
  • Featured FCPA expert and former SEC official Richard Grime who offered his insights on FCPA enforcement and interface with regulators.
  • Invited experts from multinational companies to describe how they manage business partner relationships in China, Russia, Latin America, and Africa and due diligence practices and challenges.
  • Facilitated senior compliance officers from multinational companies and attendees to explore, identify, and prioritize the information and factors that compliance officers need to consider in deciding their annual compliance priorities.