Private Sector Integrity
At a time of heightened concern about corporate governance, the business community needs to confront the challenge of restoring confidence in self-regulation to strengthen the standing and reputation of corporations with investors, business partners, and the public at large and to contribute to combating corruption. Risks from corruption are a major concern for enterprises, whether they are confronted with demands for bribes, faced with competitors acting corruptly or undermined by employees violating their codes of conduct. Responsible companies increasingly understand that they must adopt and implement clear anti-corruption policies and effective anti-corruption procedures to ensure that they identify and mitigate the risks of corruption to protect their reputation, their stakeholders, and the communities in which they operate.
We welcome new corporate allies who (1) are committed to operating with high standards of integrity and transparency; (2) have or are putting in place a detailed anti-corruption policy; and (3) are committed to implementing the anti-corruption policy and putting in place a monitoring process to promote effective compliance.
To assist companies in adopting clear anti-corruption policies and effective anti-corruption procedures, Coalition for Integrity publishes guiding reports with practical recommendations. The Coalition also organizes exchanges with the private sector to increase awareness and promote the adoption of best practices through the Corporate Forum and other organized events and speaking engagements.
Coalition for Integrity also engages with the business community to encourage business leaders to take a proactive role in preventing corruption by, for example, supporting actions that ensure fair and transparent business transactions, such as public disclosure of their country-by-country payments to governments, or by actively participating in industry sector initiatives that promote ethical behavior and exchange information to defeat corruption challenges, such as U.S. EITI.

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