Sustainable Development Goals
From 2000 through 2015, international development assistance efforts were focused on achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The Millennium Development Goals were developed by the United Nations and approved by its member states; they prioritize economic development, education, health, and the environment.
We at TI-USA believe that the lack of broad success in achieving the Millennium Development Goals can be at least partly explained by the absence of a goal on governance. After all, corruption, opaque and poorly performing institutions, and weak rule of law all impede a government’s ability to make progress on the economic development, education, health, and environmental targets that make up the core of the Millennium Development Goals. Governance must be placed squarely at the center of international development efforts. Good governance is the foundation upon which countries develop economically, socially, and politically.
Beginning in 2013, the United Nations commenced work on developing a set of Sustainable Development Goals to replace the Millennium Development Goals starting in 2016. As part of the broader Transparency International movement, we advocated for the inclusion of a governance goal among the Sustainable Development Goals. We argued that such a goal should contain measurable targets pertaining to transparency, accountability, rule of law, and anti-corruption. For more information on this important subject, please take a look at our blog post on the Sustainable Development Goals and at the Transparency International policy brief on the subject.
In September 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including goal 16, which sets targets for improving governance, including promoting the rule of law, reducing illicit financial flows, reducing corruption and bribery, developing accountable and transparent institutions, and ensuring public access to information. Goal 16 incorporates much of what we advocated, and we are hopeful that it will provide a solid foundation for anti-corruption efforts around the world. TI-USA will continue its advocacy in favor keeping governance at the heart of the global development agenda. Check back for updates on our work on this important subject.