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What is the S.W.A.M.P. Index telling us about state ethics agencies? (FCPA Blog)

Posted on by Shruti Shah


Two weeks ago the Coalition for Integrity released the S.W.A.M.P. Index, which ranks and scores all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia based on the laws governing ethics and transparency in the executive and legislative branches. I am very encouraged by the response to the index and the questions we have already received. Our hope is that voters demand commitments to address the shortcomings in their state’s legal framework as identified in our report. The results are not only essential to a voter’s understanding of their state’s ethics agencies, but also to current and future elected-officials so they understand how their state’s legal framework compares to those in other states and can work towards plugging loopholes. Read More

Which US state is most corruption-prone? Look away, North Dakota (Quartz)

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The US public has spent the past two years riveted by high-level corruption scandals and allegations in Washington, DC. They should also be looking closer to home, according to a new report by anti-corruption NGO Coalition for Integrity. The NGO graded all 50 states plus Washington, DC, on the strength of their anti-corruption laws and regulations, and found that only sixteen got a passing grade of 60% or more. North Dakota came in last with 0% and Wyoming behind it at 12%. Read More


Washington state tops list of states with tough corruption laws (Washington Post)

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Washington state may share a name with the nation’s capital, but there’s no big swamp that needs to be drained in the Pacific Northwest, according to a new independent ranking of anti-corruption laws. The state topped the inaugural S.W.A.M.P. Index’s list of states with tough corruption laws, impressing the Coalition for Integrity with the strength of its ethics agency and measures to prevent lobbyists from plying elected officials with gifts. Read More

Introducing the Coalition for Integrity’s S.W.A.M.P. Index (FCPA Blog)

Posted on by Shruti Shah


After a summer of hard work, I am pleased to present Coalition for Integrity’s Index of States With Anti-Corruption Measures for Public officials (S.W.A.M.P.).  As the 2018 elections approach, we want voters to understand the “state of ethics” in their state so that they can better evaluate candidate platforms, demand improvements in their state’s legal framework and judge proposed reforms.  State officials can see how their state’s ethics framework compares to those in other states and these officials also have access to a description of best practices to draw from. Read More

New ‘SWAMP’ Index Ranks States on Public Corruption Laws (Wall Street Journal)

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A new index from the group formerly known as the U.S. chapter of Transparency International ranks the “state of ethics” in each U.S. state. The organization, now known as the Coalition for Integrity, analyzed the laws of the 50 states and the District of Columbia related to the scope, independence and power of ethics agencies, as well as the acceptance and disclosures of gifts by public officials, transparency of funding expenditure and client disclosures for legislators. Read more

Coalition for Integrity Releases States With Anti-Corruption Measures for Public officials (S.W.A.M.P.) Index

Posted on by Shruti Shah


Today, Coalition for Integrity released its States With Anti-Corruption Measures for Public officials (S.W.A.M.P.) Index which sheds light on the surprising lack of coherent, consistent statutes and regulations that exist in states to protect the public. The index shows there is need for improvement everywhere.  The relative performance of states should be a wake-up call for citizens and voters. Read here

Shruti Shah appointed President & CEO of Coalition for Integrity

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Coalition for Integrity’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Shruti Shah as President & CEO of the organization effective June 1, 2018. Under Shruti’s leadership, we will continue to combat corruption in the United States and overseas. We are looking forward to collaborating and engaging with all of you as we continue our journey. Read more

Scott Pruitt’s scandals aren’t so bad—by Russian standards

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Shruti Shah of Coalition for Integrity discusses the Pruitt scandal with Quartz, comparing it to growing up in India under systemic corruption and the frustration experienced by citizens when they can’t hold those in power accountable. Read more

Growing bipartisan interest in beneficial ownership transparency (FCPA Blog)

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The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) recently renewed Geographic Targeting Orders (GTOs) that temporarily require U.S. title insurance companies to identify the natural persons behind shell companies that pay “all cash” for high-end residential real estate in select markets. This is the third time the GTOs have been extended. Read more

Trump sold $1.5 billion of condos to potential money launderers thanks to this gaping loophole (Quartz)

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Shell companies can provide an extraordinary level of secrecy, making it impossible for even the seller to know who they’re making a deal with. That helps out a huge array of people who want to hide illicit funds. As Shruti Shah of anti-corruption NGO Coalition for Integrity puts it, shell firms’ secrecy makes them “a favorite tool for just about any criminal from tax evaders and money launderers to drug traffickers and kleptocrats.” Read more