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Have Great Anti-Bribery Measures in Place? Prove It (TI-USA Quoted)

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Why are so many companies still getting hit with charges even though they are putting measures and programs in place to combat bribery and corruption? The answer, say anti-bribery advisers, is that there is a big difference between adopting a program and ensuring that it is effective. “Just adopting a compliance program is not enough,” says Shruti Shah, senior policy director at Transparency International USA. Read More Interview with Shruti Shah, Transparency International USA

Posted on by admin’s Leslie Benton interviews Shruti Shah, Senior Policy Director at Transparency International-USA. The organization recently issued a report entitled “Verification of Anti-Corruption Compliance Programs,” which analyzes the methods of anti-corruption verification, a process by which companies can assess the effectiveness of anti-corruption programs; and provides recommendations for companies seeking to improve anti-corruption compliance. Read More

Verification of Anti-Corruption Compliance Programs: New Guidance from Transparency International-USA (FCPA Blog)

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Numerous news reports of actual and alleged corporate malfeasance have seriously damaged confidence in companies’ ability to self-regulate. To address this concern, Transparency International-USA (TI-USA) is releasing today a report, Verification of Anti-Corruption Compliance Programs, which distills concrete, implementable lessons for companies in evaluating their anti-corruption programs. The report serves as a resource for companies that seek to take a pro-active, leading role in fighting corruption. Read more

Passage of the DATA Act Welcome News; Key to Success Will be Implementation

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On April 28th, the House of Representatives unanimously passed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act or DATA Act. The House vote follows unanimous passage of the DATA Act by the Senate on April 10th. Transparency International – USA applauds both the House and the Senate for their bipartisan efforts on behalf of this important piece of legislation. Read More

Good Governance as a Standalone Development Goal

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The United Nations is currently working towards developing a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs) that will provide the framework for whatever new global commitments are agreed upon as a replacement to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire in 2015.  Read More

The 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index (FCPA Blog)

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Transparency International released its 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), a widely-used indicator that measures the perceptions of public sector corruption worldwide.

As in 2012, the United States ranks 19th, with a score of 73. This score is lower than many other OECD countries including Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan. The United States is also fourth in the Americas region, ranking below Canada, Barbados, and Uruguay. The reasons we suggested for the U.S. ranking last year, namely lack of transparency in the campaign finance system, as well as corruption and lack of transparency in state and local institutions, continue to persist. Read more

The DATA Act Moves Forward in the U.S. Senate

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On November 6th, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act or DATA Act. This action follows passage by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in May. Transparency International – USA welcomes congressional action on this important piece of legislation. Read More

Transparency International’s Annual Progress Report: Assessing Country Enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention (FCPA Blog)

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Transparency International (TI) has released its ninth annual progress report on the enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. The report presents an independent assessment on the status of enforcement in all of the 40 Parties to the Convention. Read more

Review of World Bank Sanctions System: A Good Start but Additional Transparency Needed (FCPA Blog)

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The World Bank Group is currently undertaking an evaluation and review of its Sanctions System. That Sanctions System is an integral part of the Bank’s Anti-Corruption policy in that it provides a framework for punishing corrupt contractors, thereby creating a deterrent to corruption. Read More


Global Corruption Barometer 2013 (FCPA Blog)

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Transparency International releases its 2013 Global Corruption Barometer, the world’s largest public opinion survey on corruption. The Barometer shows both global and U.S. concerns regarding corruption and transparency in government institutions and political culture. However there is some positive news. Globally and in the U.S., nearly 9 out of 10 people surveyed indicated a willingness to get involved in the fight against corruption. Read more