Pod Virginia: Shruti Shah: Why is Virginia ranked so poorly when it comes to corruption?
June 27, 2022Pod Virginia recently interviewed Shruti Shah, Coalition for Integrity’s President & CEO, to discuss why Virginia ranks 43rd on the Coalition for Integrity’s first State Campaign Finance Index 2022. To listen to the full episode, click here.
Radio IQ: Virginia is one of the worst offenders when it comes to lax campaign finance laws
June 24, 2022Radio IQ recently interviewed Shruti Shah, Coalition for Integrity’s President & CEO, to discuss why Virginia ranks 43rd on the Coalition for Integrity’s first State Campaign Finance Index 2022. To listen to the full interview, click here.
The State Campaign Finance Index 2022
June 21, 2022The Coalition for Integrity released the first State Campaign Finance Index. This Index analyzes the laws of 50 states and the District of Columbia relating to the scope, independence, and powers of state agencies which regulate campaign finance, as well as each state’s laws on campaign coordination, campaign contributions, disclosure of those contributions, requirements for transparency of funding of independent expenditures and political advertisements, and the availability of campaign finance information. The Index focuses on laws pertaining to state executive and legislative races.
To learn more, click here.
Oversight is Better than Hindsight: Anti-Corruption Recommendations for the CARES Act
February 8, 2022Oversight is Better than Hindsight: Anti-Corruption Recommendations for the CARES Act, highlights past success stories of Inspectors General, and examines what lessons can be learned from them and applied to oversight of the CARES Act. Supporting oversight of the stimulus not only ensures that money will find its way into the hands of people who need it the most, but represents a sound financial investment, as Inspectors General recover dramatically more money than is appropriated for their budget. Read the press release here and full report here.